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FAQIf you don’t see the answer to your question below…please don’t hesitate to contact us.

 Why is swimming the perfect activity for youths?
 – Swimming is an outstanding non-weight bearing activity for kids of all ages.  Swimming is relatively injury free in comparison to other youth sports.

 -Swimming is an incredible cardiovascular sport unlike any other.
 – Swimming promotes fitness and teaches a child to strive for physical achievement. Many super-stars in other sports started out as swimmers and gained strength and  coordination that helped them to excel.   Swimming is an excellent and recommended cross-training sport.

– Swimming is an exciting individual and team sport.
– Swimming is a technical and specialized activity involving extensive skill development.
– Swimming is a healthy “lifetime” activity.
– Swimming motivates participants to strive for self improvement and teaches goal orientation.
– Swimming in a team environment cultivates a positive mental attitude and high self-esteem.
– Becoming a strong, efficient and confident swimmer can prevent drowning.

Why join the Tsunami Swim Team?
-Everyone gets to swim regardless of ability.  Ever had your child in a sport where he/she has sat on the bench or played a less important role because he/she is not the fastest or best player on the team?  Not with swimming, every child gets to swim, every child receives the same training and every child can compete to his/her best ability.
-Flexible practice days.  Want to swim just one day a week, no problem…pick the day that works best for you.  Can’t make it one week, no problem, come back the following week and attend an extra practice.
-Trained coaches.  All our coaches are swimming specific trained.  Most of our coaches are lifeguards and have their Water Safety Instructor certification.
-Age and skill appropriate competitions.  Tsunami attends both competitive (sanctioned) and Level Up (non-sanctioned) meets, almost all are located on Vancouver Island.  Swimmers have a chance to compete against other swimmers of their own age and ability.  Coaches talk with every swimmer to ensure they are entered in events for which they are ready mentally and physically.
-Tsunami is more than a sports team.  We also hold socials, fun days, team dinners, non-swimming activities like hiking and bowling.  Not only do the children meet new friends but parents also forge new friendships.
-All equipment is provided.  Your child only needs a good pair of goggles (we sell goggles for about $12-$25 just in case).
-Tsunami is family run and a non-profit organization.   We have a very active parent volunteer swim board that works closely  with our coaches to ensure we have a quality swim program that provides opportunities for your child.

Does my child have to ‘try-out’ in order to join?
Absolutely not.  All children aged 7-18 are welcome to join as long as they meet the minimum requirements as stated on our registration form. Please ensure your child is definitely meeting the standards as swimmers before registering. Should your child not meet the requirements, you will be asked to withdraw. 

My child wants to swim just one day a week?
Practices are held 3 days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and your child can choose to attend 1, 2 or all 3 days.  However, we highly suggest at least 2 times a week to see progress.  Swimming is a highly technical sport, where all muscle groups are being utilized.  Coordination, strength, flexibility and endurance are all required to become a strong swimmer and this takes time in the water.

If I choose to attend 1 times a week, do I have to attend the same day each week?
No you may choose to attend any one day a week.  Depending on your schedule, some weeks maybe Mondays will work better for you and your child, and some other week perhaps the Wednesday or Friday is better.  The club is very flexible in that way.
Exception: For the Developmental Program you must choose a specific day of the week and set.

My child really wants to join Tsunami but I do not have the means to pay for the swim fees?
There are some options available through Kidsports or Canadian Tire Jumpstart programs which offer grants.  

What if my child misses a practice?
Tsunami does not refund for missed practices.
The club practices 3 times a week, and thus a child may attend an extra practice in order to make up for a missed past practice.

**** Refund Policy ****
-Missed practices: the club does not issue any refunds for missed practices including illness, weather issues, pools shutdowns(unless it is an extended time frame).

-If you wish to withdraw your child, the club requires a month notice in writing via email or letter. Refund will be prorated based on the remaining weeks in the session. The SwimBC/Swim Canada fee is not refundable at any time.
For example: a child swims 4 weeks (out of a 10 week session), parent withdraws with or without a month’s notice = refund will be for the remaining 2 weeks (4 weeks swam  + 4 weeks month notice = 8 weeks)

-In the case where the club has requested that your child withdraws, the refund for the fees will be pro-rated and a refund issued based on the remaining weeks in the session. The SwimBC/Swim Canada fee is not refundable at any time.

I cannot fundraise?
Tsunami is a non-profit organization solely funded by swim fees, fundraising and an annual BC Gaming Grant (which is not guaranteed).
Thus it is vital that all families help out with the fundraising.
It is understandable that some families cannot or will not fundraise, in these cases you are welcome to choose the Buy-Out (opt-out) option = $100 per swimmer/for the WINTER 2025 session.

Snacks and water?

It is highly advisable for your child to have a light healthy snack about 60-30 minutes before swim practice.  In addition it is mandatory for all swimmers who are in the water longer than 1 hour, to have a full water bottle at every practice.

What equipment does my child require?
The only equipment your child needs is a good pair of goggles…we have various goggles for sale or goggles can be purchased from Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire. We suggest a silicone gasket (rather than foam).
Also goggles with a tint (medium or dark is best), rather than clear lens are recommended.
Scuba/snorkeling masks are not meant for swimming and therefore these are not appropriate eye wear for swimmers.
Oversized goggles are acceptable.
For any child whose wet hair can reach their eyes, it is also advisable to swim with a swim cap or hair elastic.
All other equipment is provided.

Does my child need a special bathing suit?
Your child does not need any particular kind of bathing suit.  However, we do find that it is better for the girls to wear a one piece suit as it facilitates diving and certain speed drills.
As your child gets stronger and faster and starts to compete, we recommend jammers for boys (a tight knee length suit) and a chlorine resistant training suit for the girls.

Does my child have to participate in competitions?
No competitions are not mandatory, however Tsunami is a competitive club and as such competitive skills are introduced and refined at all levels.  As swimmers get beyond learning the basics of swimming we find the best way to mark progress is through competition.
Important:  If you would like your child to attend more than one meet in a season, either he/she must be registered as a competitive swimmer or upgrade (after the first meet) to a competitive status.  It takes 4-5 days to do this thus please let us know as soon as possible.

I would like more information regarding swim meets?
Please see our meet information page and/or email for more information regarding all to do with swim meets. 

My child would like to attend a meet but I cannot drive him?
The club does not offer team travel nor does the club arrange car pools. 

I would like to speak to my child’s coach, can I come on deck during practice?
Our coaches would be happy to speak to you regarding your child.  The best way to do this is to first email so that you can arrange a time before or after practice to speak.
During practice, we ask the parents to refrain from stepping onto the deck.  Swimmers and coaches need to focus on the workout.

I have an issue with one of the coaches, how should i address it?
1. Speak to the coach (with a board member or head coach present) before or after practice to try to resolve the issue
2. Speak to the lead coach who will facilitate a solution.
3. Please refrain from publicly voicing your opinions until the matter is resolved.

How can i become more involved with the club?
Tsunami is 100% parent run and thus relies entirely on the generosity of the families.  Parents/guardians can get involved by sitting on the executive board, organizing committees (such as the social committee or the fundraising committee) or helping with the day-to-day running of small errands.
In addition, some meets require that each club help with officiating and/or timing.