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The Tsunami Swim Team is a non-profit parent run organization affiliated with SwimBC and Swim Canada. 
Our seasonal budget is used for pool rental, lifeguard costs, staff salaries, team equipment, affiliation memberships, insurance and day-day running of the club.
The team is entirely funded by swim fees, Gaming Grant and fundraising.

The Tsunami Swim Team is a non-profit parent run organization affiliated with SwimBC and Swim Canada. 
Our seasonal budget is used for pool rental, lifeguard costs, staff salaries, team equipment, affiliation memberships, insurance and day-day running of the club.
The team is entirely funded by swim fees, Gaming Grant and fundraising.

FALL  Session 2025 Fundraising Program (Oct 7 – Dec 13, 2024)

FUNDRAISING options available for the SPRING session:

No organized Fundraiser for the Fall Session 2024.
However, the club would very much appreciate if you could donate your cans/bottles to our Bottle Depot Club Account and/or purchase Panago coupons.  Every little bit helps to keeps our fees down.

Fundraisers for the Winter and Spring Sessions will be announced when available.

The Tsunami Swim Team acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia. Via the Community Gaming Grants program, we receive financial support that is instrumental in maintaining this club.