The Tsunami Swim Team is a non-profit parent run organization affiliated with SwimBC and Swim Canada.
Our seasonal budget is used for pool rental, lifeguard costs, staff salaries, team equipment, affiliation memberships, insurance and day-day running of the club.
The team is entirely funded by swim fees, Gaming Grant and fundraising.
The Tsunami Swim Team is a non-profit parent run organization affiliated with SwimBC and Swim Canada.
Our seasonal budget is used for pool rental, lifeguard costs, staff salaries, team equipment, affiliation memberships, insurance and day-day running of the club.
The team is entirely funded by swim fees, Gaming Grant and fundraising.
WINTER Session 2025 Fundraising Program (January 6 – March 14, 2025)
FUNDRAISING options available for the WINTER 2025 session:
Option 1. Raffle: $100 (10 tickets x $10)
1st prize $1500, 2nd prize $300, 3rd prize $200
Each registered swimmer will be sold 10x tickets (at $10 each = $100). This amount will be aded to your registration invoice.
The tickets can then be resold to recoup your money or you can keep the tickets and put your own name on them and perhaps win one of the prizes yourself.
Draw will be in early March.
Option 2. Opt-Out (no tickets): $100
For those that cannot or are not interested in participating in the fundraiser we have a Buy-Out option.
You do not get raffle tickets for this option.
This amount will be added to your registration invoice.
The Tsunami Swim Team acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia. Via the Community Gaming Grants program, we receive financial support that is instrumental in maintaining this club.